Tell me where does the ode to Marmite come from? I don’t know really – I guess forever its just as I’ve got older my friends have clocked that I love it and have given me ‘stuff’ for my home….. I then proceed to tell Jade where each of my marmite memorabilia comes from.
Everything has a story, right? You’re very sentimental.
For some reason that word – sentimental – rubbed up against me – it made me feel like it was perhaps trivia or trivial but then I took a deep breath and smiled. “Yes I am”
Everything has a story, it’s all a story.
My latest ‘thing’ is trying to establish what is the bare basics of my garden with more plants – with stories – every plant I currently have originates as a cutting from someone or a gift – i know it all and it makes me feel hugged from the outside in!
This evening I read a tribute to my ‘wife’s’ mother who sadly passed away early this week – what a woman she clearly was and I can see where my ‘wife’ gets her tenacity and determination from. I read of her exploration of life and herself, of the people she ‘raised’ and the difference she made. I also know my wife and the stories she tells too.
The overarching thing that keeps resonating at the moment is ‘what are you doing with your one precious life’?
I don’t think about death and I’m not scared of dying and this isn’t a sad story – I’m sad for my ‘wife’ and her family of course but this a story of our stories.
My love and I sat this morning ‘navel gazing’ (as she likes to call it), debating our differences and why we trigger each other … it was over coffee and the dining room table and we ended up laughing – you know those deep in your belly types of laugh mostly because I gave Luna (my pig) marie biscuits for breakfast and it’s ridiculous!
Jade, my loves daughter, came down later – because she’s still young and apparently sleep is everything – and wanted to know why our laughter had woken her up and there were more stories to tell.
I still really don’t know what I’m doing with my one precious life but I’m awfully glad for the stories – those I tell and those I’ve yet to experience.
You can’t give your people what they want but you can give them something else. You can give them understanding. Just tell your story. Tell them it all. They’ll understand. You will be fine.